Hypothesis Testing

Designed and evaluated Trebuchet and Mangonel catapult prototypes to compare performance using statistical analysis. Integrated Tinkercad and Arduino to simulate and automate the launching mechanism.

Key Contributions

  • Constructed and tested Trebuchet and Mangonel prototypes, collecting experimental data to evaluate launch distances.

  • Conducted a one-tailed two-sample t-test in MS Excel to determine statistical differences in performance.

  • Developed a virtual catapult launching arm with Arduino in Tinkercad, simulating button-controlled launches with LED and buzzer feedback.

  • Created a target prototype design, ensuring stability and functionality for launch demonstrations.

Skills Demonstrated

Prototyping: Built physical and virtual models for project testing and evaluation.

Data Analysis: Used hypothesis testing and p-value analysis to validate experimental results.

Arduino Programming: Programmed circuits for simulations involving LEDs, buzzers, and servo motors.

Problem-Solving: Debugged circuit and coding errors, iteratively improving functionality.


Enhanced understanding of projectile mechanics and automation through hands-on and simulated experiments, while strengthening skills in engineering design and statistical analysis.

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Y1S2 Community Project